1.) A
brief history of automation
Automation is one of the most important factors in today’s
automotive industry. In these times when on-time delivery is key only few
high-end manufacturers (Rolls Royce) still prefer to use manual labor in favor
of robotic labor. But this would not have been possible, without the
contribution of a single person, Henry Ford.
“Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) was an
American industrialist, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and the sponsor
of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production. Although
Ford did not invent the automobile or the assembly line, he developed and
manufactured the first automobile that many middle class Americans could
afford. In doing so, Ford converted the automobile from an expensive curiosity
into a practical conveyance that would profoundly impact the landscape of the
twentieth century. His introduction of the Model T automobile revolutionized
transportation and American industry. As the owner of the Ford Motor Company,
he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. He is credited
with "Fordism": mass production of inexpensive goods coupled with
high wages for workers. Ford had a global vision, with consumerism as the key
to peace. His intense commitment to systematically lowering costs resulted in
many technical and business innovations, including a franchise system that put
dealerships throughout most of North America and in major cities on six
continents. Ford left most of his vast wealth to the Ford Foundation and
arranged for his family to control the company permanently.”[1]
As the encyclopedia Britannica tells us “the
mass-produced automobile is generally and correctly attributed to Henry Ford,
but he was not alone in seeing the possibilities in a mass market. Ransom E.
Olds made the first major bid for the mass market with a famous curved-dash
Oldsmobile buggy in 1901. Although the first Oldsmobile was a popular car, it
was too lightly built to withstand rough usage. The same defect applied to
Olds’s imitators. Ford, more successful in realizing his dream of “a car for
the great multitude,” designed his car first and then considered the problem of
producing it cheaply. The car was the so-called Model T, the best-known motor
vehicle in history. It was built to be durable for service on the rough
American country roads of that period, economical to operate, and easy to
maintain and repair. It was first put on the market in 1908, and more than 15
million were built before it was discontinued in 1927.
When the design of the Model T proved successful, Ford
and his associates turned to the problem of producing the car in large volume
and at a low unit cost. The solution was found in the moving assembly line, a
method first tested in assembling magnetos. After more experimentation, in 1913
the Ford Motor Company displayed to the world the complete assembly-line mass
production of motor vehicles. The technique consisted of two basic elements: a
conveyor system and the limitation of each worker to a single repetitive task.
Despite its deceptive simplicity, the technique required elaborate planning and
The first Ford assembly line permitted only very minor
variations in the basic model, a limitation that was compensated for by the low
cost. The price of the Model T touring car dropped from $950 in 1909 to $360 in
1916 and still lower to an incredible $290 in 1926. By that time Ford was
producing half of all the motor vehicles in the world. The bulk of the world’s
new cars come from the moving assembly line introduced by Ford, but the process
is much more refined and elaborated today. The first requisite of this process
is an accurately controlled flow of materials into the assembly plants. No
company can afford either the money or the space to stockpile the parts and
components needed for any extended period of production. Interruption or
confusion in the flow of materials quickly stops production. Ford envisioned an
organization in which no item was ever at rest from the time the raw material
was extracted until the vehicle was completed—a dream that has not yet been
The need for careful control over the flow of
materials is an incentive for automobile firms to manufacture their own
components, sometimes directly but more often through subsidiaries. Yet
complete integration does not exist, nor is it desirable. Tires, batteries, and
dashboard instruments are generally procured from outside sources. In addition,
and for the same reasons, the largest companies support outside suppliers even
for items of in-house manufacture. First, it may be more economical to buy externally
than to provide additional internal facilities for the purpose. Second, the
supplier firm may have special equipment and capability. Third, the outside
supplier provides a check on the costs of the in-house operation. American
companies rely more than others on independent suppliers.
Production of a new model also calls for elaborate
tooling, and the larger the output, the more highly specialized the tools in
which the manufacturer is willing to invest. For example, it is expensive to
install a stamping press exclusively to make a single body panel for a single
model, but, if the model run reaches several hundred thousand, the cost is
amply justified.
The assembly process itself has a quite uniform
pattern throughout the world. As a rule, there are two main assembly lines,
body and chassis. On the first the body panels are welded together, the doors
and windows are installed, and the body is painted and trimmed (with
upholstery, interior hardware, and wiring). On the second line the frame has
the springs, wheels, steering gear, and power train (engine, transmission,
drive shaft, and differential) installed, plus the brakes and exhaust system.
The two lines merge at the point at which the car is finished except for minor
items and necessary testing and inspection. A variation on this process is
“unitized” construction, whereby the body and frame are assembled as a unit. In
this system the undercarriage still goes down the chassis line for the power
train, front suspension, and rear axle, to be supported on pedestals until they
are joined to the unitized body structure. Most passenger vehicles today are
manufactured by the unitized method, and most trucks and commercial vehicles
still employ a separate frame.
Assembly lines have been elaborately refined by automatic
control systems, transfer machines, computer-guided welding robots, and other
automated equipment, which have replaced many manual operations when volume is
high. Austin Motors in Britain pioneered with its automatic transfer machines
in 1950. The first large-scale automated installation in the United States was
a Ford Motor Company engine plant that went into production in 1951. A
universal form of automatic control has used computers to schedule assembly
operations so that a variety of styles can be programmed along the same
assembly line. Customers can be offered wide choices in body styles, wheel
patterns, and color combinations.” [2]
2.) Robotic
Robotic manipulation is one process used in many
industries across many companies but it has made its mark in the automotive
industry, mainly because it is proven that using robotic manipulators to
transport, hold and do multiple tasks is a much cheaper way then hiring someone
to do the same tasks. The main advantage in this case being that robotic
manipulators are able to work 24/7, thus reducing the respective company
millions. “The earliest known industrial robot, conforming to the ISO
definition was completed by "Bill" Griffith P. Taylor in 1937 and
published in Meccano Magazine, March 1938. The crane-like device was built
almost entirely using Meccano parts, and powered by a single electric motor.
Five axes of movement were possible, including grab and grab rotation.
Automation was achieved using punched paper tape to energize solenoids, which
would facilitate the movement of the crane's control levers. The robot could
stack wooden blocks in pre-programmed patterns. The number of motor revolutions
required for each desired movement was first plotted on graph paper. This
information was then transferred to the paper tape, which was also driven by
the robot's single motor. Chris Shute built a complete replica of the robot in
1997.” [3]
A robotic manipulator has a set of basic parameters
that defines it. If one of these are missing the resulting construction cannot
be considered a robotic manipulator or industrial robot.
These parameters are:
a.) Number of axis – two axes for a point on a plane and
three to reach any point in space, but for full control more axes are required
(yaw, pitch, roll).
b.) Degrees of freedom – usually number of axis.
c.) Working envelope – reaching area.
d.) Kinematics – arrangement of rigid members and joints
on the robot.
e.) Carrying capacity (payload) – how much can the robot
f..) Speed – how fast can the robot position its arm.
g.) Acceleration – the acceleration of an axis.
h.) Accuracy – how closely can the robot arm reach the
designated position.
i..) Repeatability – how well can a robot return to a
j..) Motion control - for some applications, such as simple
pick-and-place assembly, the robot need merely return repeatable to a limited
number of pre-taught positions. For more sophisticated applications, such as
welding and finishing (spray painting), motion must be continuously controlled
to follow a path in space, with controlled orientation and velocity.
k.) Power source – hydraulic or electric in most cases.
l.l) Drive – e.g. electric motors connect to joints via
m.) Compliance - this is a measure of the amount in angle or distance
that a robot axis will move when a force is applied to it.
But manufacturing a high performance industrial robot
has never been a technical challenge, it has always been a mathematical
challenge. All the parameters mentioned above alongside their sub-parameters
can be calculated mathematically and this is where the performance of the
industrial robot really shows. For example the figure below show hot to
graphically represent the rotational motion for a rigid body transformation
(which is the basis for industrial robots).
Fig.2.1 – Rotation of a
rigid object about a point. The dotted coordinate frame is attached to the
rotating rigid body.[4]
Another more complex example are rotations for a rigid
body, as shown below.
Fig.2.1 – Tip point
trajectory generated by rotation about the ω axis. [4]
issue that depicts the performance of an industrial robot is the minimum time
path, which is the most optimum path that a robot need to take from point A to
point B, taking into account possible obstacles in its way. This also is more a
matter of mathematics than a technological issue. Many case studies have been
conducted for this matter and only few of them show real promise. “It is shown
that the studied drilling/ spot welding tasks can be described by a performance
limited traveling salesman problem (TSP): the manipulator effector acts as the
salesman, it starts from one machining point and passes through each point just
by once meanwhile it must be full stopped to finish the machining task. Since
its high computational complexity, the solution of TSP is always an open
problem. Currently, the feasible solutions of TSP can be classified by
enumeration method, dynamic programming, branch and bound method, or
intelligent optimization method (such as genetic algorithm (GA), simulated
annealing (SA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), etc).
In order to simplify the problem, the common path
planning strategies for multi points manufacturing assume the transfer path
between any two points is straight line, and the problem can be described as a
TSP with minimum distance index., it is shown that due to the nonlinear
expressions of the manipulator kinodynamics and gravitational torques, it is
non-equivalent between the minimum time path and the minimum distance path,
even the minimum time path from point i to point j is also different from the
point j to point i path. Hence besides the optimization of travelling schedule
of the set points, the transfer paths between machining points also need to be
optimized to obtain the minimum transfer time.” [5]
Robotic manipulation has always been the basis of any
automated assembly line, as manipulators do most of the assembly required to
complete a vehicle.
3.) Robotic
The use of robotic welding started off in the 1960s in
the US auto industry, but it never really took off until the 1980s when it
spreaded like wildfire. The main reason is that using robots is a much more
productive and precise solution (and also cost-effective in time) then hiring
skilled labor to do this type of job. Another reason is that by using robots
welding can be done in a much more controlled environment.
“Robot welding is the use of mechanized programmable
tools (robots), which completely automate a welding process by both performing
the weld and handling the part. Processes such as gas metal arc welding, while
often automated, are not necessarily equivalent to robot welding, since a human
operator sometimes prepares the materials to be welded. Robot welding is commonly
used for resistance spot welding and arc welding in high production
applications, such as the automotive industry.
Robot welding is a relatively new application of
robotics, even though robots were first introduced into US industry during the
1960s. The use of robots in welding did not take off until the 1980s, when the
automotive industry began using robots extensively for spot welding. Since
then, both the number of robots used in industry and the number of their
applications has grown greatly. In 2005, more than 120,000 robots were in use
in North American industry, about half of them for welding. Growth is primarily
limited by high equipment costs, and the resulting restriction to
high-production applications. In 2014, FANUC America Corp. introduced a low
cost arc welding robot to provide small manufacturers with a cost-effective robotic
arc welding solution. Robot arc welding has begun growing quickly just
recently, and already it commands about 20% of industrial robot applications.
The major components of arc welding robots are the manipulator or the
mechanical unit and the controller, which acts as the robot's
"brain". The manipulator is what makes the robot move, and the design
of these systems can be categorized into several common types, such as SCARA
and Cartesian coordinate robot, which use different coordinate systems to direct
the arms of the machine. The robot may weld a pre-programmed position, be
guided by machine vision, or by a combination of the two methods. However, the
many benefits of robotic welding have proven to make it a technology that helps
many original equipment manufacturers increase accuracy, repeat-ability, and
throughput. The technology of signature image processing has been developed
since the late 1990s for analyzing electrical data in real time collected from
automated, robotic welding, thus enabling the optimization of welds.” [6]
Fig.3.1 – Robotic welding
on a vehicle body [7]
Although it has its advantages, robotic welding has
one big disadvantage, the sheer volume of programming required to properly make
these industrial robots do their job in the most adequate way possible.
One solution for this issue is the use of intuitive
teaching, when an industrial robot is following the gestures done by a human
specialist, and learning from them. This as one of the biggest breakthroughs
that modern technologies can accomplish and it will be properly implemented in
the years to come.
One other interesting method is the use of augmented
reality in combination with an industrial robot. For example, if we have to
make complicate welds on a vehicle to reinforce its structure most robots
struggle with this issue because most of the times these welds are done in hard
to reach places. But by using augmented reality a human operator can make these
weld whilst the computer displays the most adequate welding route for them on a
special pair of glasses. This means that while the industrial robot is making
the spot welds, a human operator can make the more complicated welds with the
help of augmented reality, thus decreasing the manufacturing time, and also the
quality of the weld will increase.
“Manual spot welding loses the comparison with
automated spot welding, not because of a higher execution time, but due to an
inferior quality of welded points, mostly a low repeatability. It is not a
human fault. Human welder is compelled to operate without having at disposal
the knowledge of significant process features that are known by the robot:
exact position of the welding spot, electric parameters to be adopted for every
specific point, quality of the welded spot and, based on it, possible need for
repetition of a defective weld.
The research shows that, using an augmented reality
device, it is possible to display this very data to the human operator, in
order to enhance the manual process execution. The adopted device is a tablet
mounted on the welding gun. It displays the working area seen by the built-in
camera. The image is augmented by the superposition of computer generated
images of the welding spots and their properties. The state of the spot (welded
or not) and its execution quality (good or defective weld) is transmitted by
some graphic features, like point color, size and way of blinking. The paper
describes the algorithms used in the development of the program for this
application, focusing on the problem of real time localization of the welding
gun position. The augmented reality application was actually installed on an
experimental station by a welding gun manufacturer and the results of the tests
are presented and discussed.” [8]
Some of the most important issues that industrial
welding robots come across are:
a.) Poor wire feeding – there are two causes for wire
feeding problems, buildup of debris on the liner or a broken wire feeder, and
sometimes another issue might be some kinking wire cables, these result in a
poor arc and weld quality.
b.) Inconsistent or off-location welds – most common issue
is the tool center point, the focal point of a tool, in these cases there are a
lot of things to reposition in order to fix this issue, sometimes even
reconstructing the base on which the robot is placed.
c.) Poor consumable performance and premature failure - the
poor performance or premature failure of consumables—including nozzles, contact
tips, retaining heads (or diffusers), and liners—can be caused by a number of
issues, including spatter or debris buildup, loose connections, or improper
liner installation.
d.) Premature cable failure - premature power cable
failure, on either a through-arm robotic welding system (where the cable feeds
through the arm of the robot) or in a standard robotic welding system, can be
the result of incorrect programming that results in aggressive movements. It
can also occur when using the incorrect power cable length.
e.) Nozzle cleaning station isn’t operating properly - The
most common peripheral added to a robotic system is a nozzle cleaning station
or reamer, which, as its name implies, is responsible for cleaning the nozzle
(and other front-end consumables). This cleaning occurs during routine pauses
in production, and any issues with it typically relate to one of three factors:
the position between the reamer and robotic MIG gun nozzle, poor anti-spatter
solution coverage, or a dull cutting blade.[9]
All these issues are time consuming problems and let
us not forget about route programming issue for the robots and collision
Other issues involving robotic welders are travelling
times and dimensional variations, one paper in particular deals with these
issues in a more impressive way, using mathematics to help the robotic welder
determine the optimum solution.
“Complex assembled products as an automotive car body
consist of about 300 sheet metal parts joined by up to 4000 spot welds. In the
body factory, there are several hundred robots organized into lines of welding
stations. The distribution of welds between robots and the welding sequences
have a significant influence on both dimensional quality and throughput.
Therefore, this paper proposes a novel method for quality and throughput
optimization based on a systematic search algorithm which exploits properties
of the welding process. It uses approximated lower bounds to speed up the
search and to estimate the quality of the solution. The method is successfully
tested on reference assemblies, including detailed fixtures, welding robots and
4.) Robotic
One more important automation factor for the
automation in the automotive industry is the introduction of a robotic painting
system, in which we use robotic arms in controlled environments in order to
apply coats of paint to the finished vehicle. Here the main advantage is that
by eliminating the human factor we eliminate most cause for low quality paint
jobs on vehicles and vehicle parts.
“Robotics in this case can be used in order to
calculate the most adequate covering distance and also to apply a more even
coat of paint that no human could.
Originally industrial paint robots were large and
expensive, but today the price of the robots have come down to the point that
general industry can now afford to have the same level of automation that only
the big automotive manufacturers could once afford.
The selection of today’s paint robot is much greater
varying in size and payload to allow many configurations for painting items of
all sizes. The prices vary as well as the new robot market becomes more
competitive and the used market continues to expand.
Painting robots are generally equipped with five or
six axis, three for the base motions and up to three for applicator
orientation. These robots can be used in any explosion hazard Class 1 Division
1 environment.” [11]
One of the most used painting robots in the automotive
industry are the Kawasaki Paint Robots, also known as the K Series. With their
revolutionary hollow wrist version, they can be fitted with special paint hoses
inside the arms, in this way the performance is maximized, overspray minimized
and also the risk of contaminating the finished product as at a minimum.
“Kawasaki Robotics also offers a control panel to enhance the ease of system
building and interfacing with peripheral equipment such as robot traveling
unit, workpiece transfer unit, rotation unit, and other devices. The control
panel is an intuitive graphical interface that allows users to centrally
operate and control all components of the robotic finishing system. K Series
Robots can be programmed in two ways, via the robot teach pendant or a
computer, and using one of the two Kawasaki's programming methodologies, Block
Step or AS Language. The Block Step programming method eliminates time
consuming program teaching with auto-path generating software. The powerful AS
Language provides ultimate flexibility via any word processor text file and
enables the programmer to create advanced logic, manipulate program locations,
integrate peripheral components and control the application process.” [12]
Fig.4.1 – Kawasaki
K-Series Paint Robot [13]
Paint robots for painting the interior of vehicles
have been used in Germany since the 1980s at Mercedes-Benz and BMW.
“A look at the development of robot technology in the
last ten years allows a comparison of several key parameters and shows clearly
how the versatility of the machines has improved. Electrically driven paint
robots, which operate with much higher availability and require less costly
maintenance, are now used exclusively. In addition, the painting speed has been
increased by about 50 percent, while the dynamic accuracy of the path tracking
and the absolute accuracy (referred to the target coordinates) have also
improved (Table 1). Absolute accuracy with respect to a given point, for
example, has improved from ± 4 mm to ± 1 mm, dynamic accuracy (referred to the
path) from ± 25 mm to ± 6 mm.” [14]
Fig.4.2 – Development of
robot technology over the last decade [14]
The main advantage of using robotic painter is that
they can work in a hazardous environment (in which humans cannot) thus making
modern paint stations very productive, mainly because they can also be fitted
with a curing oven, in this way the moment the vehicle body comes out of the
paint station it is already dried and ready to use.
Fig.4.3 – Typical paint
station for painting the interior of car bodies. The displacement of the cabin
axis is a way to improve air management in the spray booth [14]
5.) Robotic
In the past the only way parts and other products
could be measure were traditional measuring tools like calipers and such, but
in today’s automotive industry there is a need for fast and accurate measures.
The only way this can be achieved is with the use of robotic inspection tools.
The basis for such tools are the more modern
coordinate measuring machines. A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a device
for measuring the physical geometrical characteristics of an object. This
machine may be manually controlled by an operator or it may be computer
controlled. Measurements are defined by a probe attached to the third moving
axis of this machine. Probes may be mechanical, optical, laser, or white light,
amongst others. A machine which takes readings in six degrees of freedom and
displays these readings in mathematical form is known as a CMM. The typical 3D
"bridge" CMM is composed of three axes, X, Y and Z. These axes are
orthogonal to each other in a typical three-dimensional coordinate system. Each
axis has a scale system that indicates the location of that axis. The machine
reads the input from the touch probe, as directed by the operator or
programmer. The machine then uses the X,Y,Z coordinates of each of these points
to determine size and position with micrometer precision typically. A
coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is also a device used in manufacturing and
assembly processes to test a part or assembly against the design intent. By
precisely recording the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the target, points are
generated which can then be analyzed via regression algorithms for the
construction of features. These points are collected by using a probe that is
positioned manually by an operator or automatically via Direct Computer Control
(DCC). DCC CMMs can be programmed to repeatedly measure identical parts, thus a
CMM is a specialized form of industrial robot. [15]
Fig 5.1 – A typical Coordinate Measuring Machine [15]
Other machines that contributed in today’s robotic
inspectors are 3D scanners. These devices are used to re-create physical
objects in a form recognized by a computer. Basically what a 3D scanner does is
triangulate designated points on the object, thus recreating on the computer a
3D scanned surface. A 3D scanner is a device that analyses a real-world object
or environment to collect data on its shape and possibly its appearance (e.g.
color). The collected data can then be used to construct digital
three-dimensional models. Many different technologies can be used to build
these 3D-scanning devices; each technology comes with its own limitations,
advantages and costs. Many limitations in the kind of objects that can be
digitized are still present, for example, optical technologies encounter many
difficulties with shiny, mirroring or transparent objects. For example,
industrial computed tomography scanning can be used to construct digital 3D
models, applying non-destructive testing.
Collected 3D data is useful for a wide variety of
applications. These devices are used extensively by the entertainment industry
in the production of movies and video games. Other common applications of this
technology include industrial design, orthotics and prosthetics, reverse
engineering and prototyping, quality control/inspection and documentation of
cultural artifacts. [16]
Fig.5.2 – A handheld 3D
scanning device [16]
One important test in which the automotive industry is
still using human labor for is visual inspection. But now leading scientists in
the field of robotics are trying to develop robotic inspector capable of
subjecting vehicles to the dreaded “water leak test”. The “water leak test” in
an automotive final assembly line is often a significant cost factor due to its
labor intensive nature. This is particularly the case for premium car
manufacturers as each vehicle is watered and manually inspected for leakage.
This paper delivers an approach that optimizes the efficiency and capability of
the test process by using a new automated in-line inspection system whereby
thermographic images are taken by a lightweight robot system and then processed
to locate the leak. Such optimization allows the collaboration of robots and
manual labor which in turn enhances the capability of the process station. [17]
Basically in order to perform this test the finished
vehicle is places in a controlled environment that simulates rainfall. It sits
in different types of rain for about six minutes after which it is visually
inspected for leakage.
Overall quality checks for a finished vehicle is about
10% of the time to delivery, but because today most of the inspection processes
are done via robots that 10% is slowly but surely decreasing in the years to
For example, BMW has an almost completely automated
assembly line, it is capable of producing a vehicle from start to finish
without human intervention, but in delicate operations that require experience
and finesse human intervention is always preferred.
Fig.5.3 – BMW assembly
line [18]
6.) Advantages/Disadvantages
As in any manufacturing process, assembly line
automation has its advantages but also a few disadvantages.
6.1) Advantages
If we take into account the time it takes to
manufacture an entire vehicle using only manual labor, we can clearly see where
the advantages of automated assembly lines come. For example, in 2014 BMW
produce 3.5 cars every hour. Using industrial robots, you could create a modern
assembly line in which you would need only 2 or 3 engineers supervising the
whole process. It is more cost-effective then using manual labor. The quality
for most things is better.
Also by using industrial robots you
can combine multiple operations, for example painting and curing on the same
station, thus reducing delivery time.
If we were to summarize all these factors,
there are some key points that prove that automation has many more advantages
then disadvantages:
a.) Increased throughput or
quality or increased predictability of quality.
robustness (consistency), of processes or product.
consistency of output.
direct human labor costs and expenses.
automation in operations to reduce cycle time.
automation where a high degree of accuracy is required.
human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous work.
Replacing humans in tasks done in dangerous environments (i.e. fire, space,
volcanoes, nuclear facilities, underwater, etc.)
tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size, weight, speed, endurance,
improvement: Automation may improve in economy of enterprises, society or most
of humanity.
operation time and work handling time significantly.
up workers to take on other roles.
m.) Provides higher level jobs in the
development, deployment, maintenance and running of the automated processes.
6.2) Disadvantages
main disadvantages of automation are:
a.) Security Threats/Vulnerability: An automated system
may have a limited level of intelligence, and is therefore more susceptible to
committing errors outside of its immediate scope of knowledge (e.g., it is
typically unable to apply the rules of simple logic to general propositions).
b.) Unpredictable/excessive development costs: The research
and development cost of automating a process may exceed the cost saved by the
automation itself.
c.) High initial cost: The automation of a new product or
plant typically requires a very large initial investment in comparison with the
unit cost of the product, although the cost of automation may be spread among
many products and over time.
7.) Conclusions
Automation especially in the automotive industry is
proven to be the most cost-effective, productive and time effective method in
order to ensure the best most possible results. From automated assembly to
automated painting every process controlled via computer.
You can run an entire manufacturing plant 24/7, no
need for launch breaks but especially robotic workers do not need a salary nor
days off.
Automation is a natural evolution of technology in
today’s modern age
8.) References
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and Automation, Gewerbepark Eschberger Weg, Geb 9, 66121 Saarbrücken, 2014;
BMW Assembly line,
http://st.motortrend.com/uploads/sites/5/2014/07/bmw-spartanburg-robotic-welding-line.jpg , 22.01.2016.
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